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Ray Davis @ray46

Joined Nov 22, 2021
Just school
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Answered a Question    Dec 7, 2021

I think I am always asking more questions. In general I am not someone who just accepts whatever he is told. I usually "wonder" about things.
I wonder if things are true, how things work, who did what, why, and all the questions.

I am a curious person, so naturally I don't just settle for the things I know, I almost always will try to find out more about what ever it is.

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Answered a Question    Dec 7, 2021

I am not always able to motivate myself into doing them.
There are times when I do feel motivated, but these of course are usually times when I am not in a situation to do them.

At other times, I just find it difficult to get myself motivated enough to start.
But, when I do manage to be motivated and start the work, I try and usually do get as much done as I possibly can, just to take advantage of the current motivation I feel.

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Answered a Question    Dec 2, 2021

Do your best, you may not always succeed, but at least you did the best you could do, and if you do, then you did succeed.

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Answered a Question    Nov 30, 2021

I do sometimes, maybe not because I think I am always right or others are wrong, I think its just a quick reaction, an instinct type of thing.

When someone says that I am wrong or disagrees with me, I sometimes have an instinct to push back, but I try to minimize that as much as I can, as I prefer to be corrected rather than speak nonsense.

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Answered a Question    Nov 30, 2021  ·  Edited: Dec 1, 2021

Depends when, but I will always appreciate other peoples advice on certain subjects, especially when it comes to true life experience.

I don't always have the right answer, even when I think I do, hearing someone else's perspective helps me to sometimes understand that.

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Answered a Question    Nov 27, 2021

I just try to do the best I can, and I try and acknowledge when I have made mistakes and when I am wrong.

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Answered a Question    Nov 25, 2021

In my mind I do, but not really as much as would actually benefit me.
It also depends on when and what.

Someone else here mentioned that its easy to say all the right things, but doing them is another story.
I cannot agree with this more.
Sometimes we know what to do, but just can't.

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Answered a Question    Nov 23, 2021

To become self employed. I have been working towards this for a while, and I am finally in a place where things are progressing, slowly, but still progressing.

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Answered a Question    Nov 22, 2021

Depends on the debate!
We should live in reality and in the present moment, but, sometimes escaping into imagination is just too tempting, the possibilities are truly endless there.

I think that our imagination can be used as an escape from reality at times.
It can also motivate us through the stories we come up with.

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Answered a Question    Nov 22, 2021

One is for them to be able to actually understand me, and I them.
I have been in relationships in the past where I constantly heard "I don't understand you..".
This was said to me because of my thoughts, my actions, decisions, and generally the words I chose to say and the way I chose to say them.
Talking with other people though was much easier, they understood me, and even if they didn't agree with me, they were still able to understand my point and where I was coming from.

Another value is the ability to understand when mistakes were made and to admit when we are wrong.
Rather than just arguing and being stubborn about mistakes that were made, I appreciate the ability that people have to admit when they are wrong.
I know this isn't always easy, its not easy for me either, but even working trying to improve that is important to me.

Which brings me to the next value - improvement.
I absolutely love it when people try to improve themselves. Not because I necessarily think they need to change or improve themselves, but because it shows a certain humility about a person who is willing and able to accept that some things may need to be improved about themselves.
Its when people don't try to change things or improve things that, at least I believe, life gets a little bit stale.

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