Divuni Mindfulness
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Answered a Question    Jan 22, 2023

I always like to start by asking myself, "Why am I journaling?". If I chose to start journaling and to start writing, there must be a reason for it. If I can understand that reason, even if i just partially understand it, I can use that as a guide to asking myself further questions.

There are many questions you can ask yourself, some people like to stick to the same questions, some like to ask different questions each time, and some like to mix it up. There aren't really rules or "right" ways of journaling, it just depends on why you are journaling and what you hope to get out of it.

Based on the reason you are journaling, you may want to try different journaling types, such as mindfulness journaling, gratitude journaling, or reflection journaling. There are many different types, and each may have different prompts that can help get you started and get your thoughts flowing.

If you are doing morning journaling, or are considering starting to do it, here is an article about how to start a morning journaling habit, which includes 100 prompts.

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Answered a Question    Jan 22, 2023

The type of journaling that is most beneficial to you really depends on you and what you are trying to get out of journaling, and the reason you are journaling.

One popular type of journaling that can have many benefits is gratitude journaling, it's also one of the simplest to do. At the very least, all you need to do is to write down a few things that you are grateful for. This alone can help you better put things into perspective, especially if thinking about things you are grateful for is a difficult task, this can really help improve that.

This, of course, can be built upon. You can start by writing down just a few things that you are grateful for, and then you can also write down the reasons why you are grateful for them. As you progress, you may notice that you are able to find more things that you are grateful for, and that finding these things gets easier and easier. This can have a positive impact on your life, causing you to have a more positive attitude and a better understanding towards life, people, and yourself.

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Jan 22, 2023
Mental Wellbeing
Love vs attachment;

We should only be practicing LOVE.

Not attachment.

When one comes from of a place of "I love you for YOUR betterment and grace and I love myself the same"
instead of from a spot of "what you can do for MY happiness? MY COMFORT" -

Then you know you are coming from your heart and not the ego

When you do this
You then start to raise the vibration of your heart Chakra for yourself and all those in the world simultaneously. I promise you.

This is also of course practicing good mental health of stopping the co dependency in your life. And inviting pure true love into your life for all you see, you encounter and for yourself.

The same pure one HE loves you with.

OH and if when you asked yourself if you come from a negative attachment in your relationships and you realize you might-
Well please know that ONLY YOUR OWN POWERS can fix that unfulfilled happiness you are looking to others to fill. YOU write, direct, act in your OWN reality.

Change your thoughts, change your reactions, practice gratitude and learn grow to in your OWN soul path. DO THE WORK!!

Knowing the Spirit is true and within you is very important as well.

You have the power - set your intentions, change your steps and thoughts and self talk
And watch your reality and energy change.

Accept this unconditional love in your heart. Give it out.
You will receive 10 fold what you give. You will make this world and your reality a better one.

I am witness

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Jan 21, 2023
Goals & Advice
Why is it that staying true to yourself is so hard?
If you know your ideals, you know who you are, or at least who you want to be, and you even know what you consider right, why is it so hard to act on it and actually do it and be true to yourself?
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Answered a Question    Jan 12, 2023

There are a few things that are best to avoid when journaling. It's not that they are necessarily wrong per se, but, they could impact your journaling practice and the effectiveness of it.

One important thing to avoid is to not judge yourself and what you are writing. Journaling is a safe space for you to write down what ever you feel you need to write down. This could be your thoughts, emotions, feelings, things that have happened that day, things you want to have happened, or anything else. It's a place for you to vent, to clarify and understand yourself, and to go on a journey of self discovery.

Another important thing is to keep it simple. Don't try to have perfect grammar, it's not the point of journaling. Don't try to copy someone else's style or write in certain styles other than your own, just be yourself. And don't try to fill out a whole page or multiple ones every time you journal, just write as much as you feel you need to, even if it's just one sentence.

Here is a longer article I wrote on this site's blog that covers more things to avoid and things that can help your journaling practice: The Essential Guide To Journaling: Dos, Don'ts, And Tips For Success

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Answered a Question    Jan 11, 2023

ADHD can make it difficult for people to navigate through their thoughts and emotions. Journaling can help slow things down for them and allow them to focus better on these things.

Journaling causes your mind to slow down, which can allow you to catch up with it and actually understand what you are going through, what you are feeling, and what is on your mind. It also allows you to better focus on a single item, whether you are writing about an event that happened, a feeling or emotion, or a thought you are trying to explore.

It is important, though, to understand that journaling may take time to get better at. For some it may come more naturally, for others, especially those who are not used to writing things down, it could be a little bit more difficult to start the practice. The key is to keep at it and to not get frustrated or impatient if it doesn't work out right away.

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Answered a Question    Jan 9, 2023

Journaling is not a spiritual practice in itself, but it is used by people who are on a spiritual journey. Journaling is used by many all over the world, regardless of their spirituality, religion, age, or gender.

I have met many spiritual people who use journaling as a tool for clarity and for understanding themselves along their path.

The path people are on is not always straight forward or easy. People lose sight of their path and lose clarity about where their path is leading to. They discover many difficulties and struggles along the way.

They use journaling as a tool to correct themselves when needed, to understand if their ways were true to who they are or not. They use journaling to understand themselves and who they are better, and to keep learning about themselves as they go down their path and evolve.

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