Thoughts & More  ·  Nov 13, 2021

Which one is a better situation: broke or lonely?

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First asked   Nov 13, 2021,
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Top Answer
Apr 27, 2022

This is actually a difficult question to answer, as both can lead to great experiences, even though they may seem like major negative things.

Having too much money and relying on that money can keep you in a very comfortable and safe zone, limiting the adventures and excitement in life.

Being alone allows you to better understand yourself, and to appreciate your own company, rather than relying on others.

People tend to rely on money and on other people to help them feel happiness, believing that those two are conditions to living a full and happy life.

Being alone or lonely isnt always a negative, being broke can cause you to go down new paths you may not have thought of if you had more money.

But, of course, its all a matter of perspective and how each of us define broke and lonely.

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