Essential oil blends for anxiety are blends of oils that, when used, promote calmness.
These blends are crafted specifically for the calming effect they have on our bodies and minds, and can consist of multiple different oils, such as Lavender, Lemongrass, Cedarwood, and more.
The specific oil blends for anxiety are crafted for specific intentions, such as increased calmness of the mind, better breathing, calmer energy, mental clarity, and more.
I just try to do the best I can, and I try and acknowledge when I have made mistakes and when I am wrong.
Sitting on a block, pillow, or anything slightly elevated makes it easier to balance while sitting cross legged with a straight back, and makes it a little bit more comfortable.
I usually sit on a yoga block, which I find for me is the perfect amount of elevation. It allows me to sit comfortably with a straight back and with much less effort. This allows me to actually sit and meditate for longer.
If the fridge is under 8-10 years old, a repair is usually worth it, especially if the issue is minor like a faulty thermostat or compressor relay. For older units, consider the repair cost—if it’s over half the price of a new fridge, replacement might be the better option. An appliance repair professional can diagnose the issue and help you decide.
I would actually love to live without it. At least for certain periods of time.
It's actually less about the internet, and more about technology, and what it has done to society.
At the dinner table - everyone is on their phone.
After dinner - everyone is watching TV or on their phone.
Long drives where you, the driver, would like someone to talk to - others in the car are on their phone.
You try to talk to someone while they are on their phone - good luck! They won't even hear you speaking!
This is something that really makes me want to take more than a few steps back and away from people, and society. Seeing how everyone is so addicted to their phones and social media is just awful for me.
I also have times where I am on my phone, maybe I'll play a game, talk to friends, read articles, but it doesn't consume me. I am not addicted to it. I don't spend hours on it. If someone talks to me, I put it down.
When I am with a partner, and they are on their phone and I mention something about it, only then do they put it down and then say "ok, what do we talk about?".
Verbal communication has been demolished by phones. Couples have difficult time having proper conversations with each other over lunch, or at any time.
I can go on about this, but the answer to the question is yes, gladly.
Sitting on a block, pillow, or anything slightly elevated makes it easier to balance while sitting cross legged with a straight back, and makes it a little bit more comfortable.
I usually sit on a yoga block, which I find for me is the perfect amount of elevation. It allows me to sit comfortably with a straight back and with much less effort. This allows me to actually sit and meditate for longer.
They are so angry, so violent, so aggressive. You meet people in the streets, driving, walking, and they are so angry, so ready for violence.
I always try to tell myself that there is a reason for this, that I dont know what they have been through or what kind of day they are having, that maybe they are just so unhappy. But, then i think, why? Why are so many people so unhappy?
Are all of these people that I encounter so unhappy that it causes them to act like this?
Things can be so simple, so easy, so much less stressful, why do we make it worse?
It's one thing to go on a journey of self-discovery, which can be very difficulty in itself, but actually accepting what you find throughout that journey, or at the end of it, can sometimes prove to be the hardest part. This is something that I feel many people don't take into consideration or don't realize, that at some point, they will be faced with some sort of clarity, and that this new piece of information about their identity may just need to be accepted.
I feel like I have been at this point as well, where I got to a place on my journey that I came to some very clear understandings, but, I kept searching for other answers, instead of accepting what was right in front of me.
The reason for this I do not know, maybe it's my sub-conscious not wanting to accept what I found, or maybe it's me being blind to the truth, maybe because it is too hard to consciously deal with.
Has anyone else ever felt this way?
We should only be practicing LOVE.
Not attachment.
When one comes from of a place of "I love you for YOUR betterment and grace and I love myself the same"
instead of from a spot of "what you can do for MY happiness? MY COMFORT" -
Then you know you are coming from your heart and not the ego
When you do this
You then start to raise the vibration of your heart Chakra for yourself and all those in the world simultaneously. I promise you.
This is also of course practicing good mental health of stopping the co dependency in your life. And inviting pure true love into your life for all you see, you encounter and for yourself.
The same pure one HE loves you with.
OH and if when you asked yourself if you come from a negative attachment in your relationships and you realize you might-
Well please know that ONLY YOUR OWN POWERS can fix that unfulfilled happiness you are looking to others to fill. YOU write, direct, act in your OWN reality.
Change your thoughts, change your reactions, practice gratitude and learn grow to in your OWN soul path. DO THE WORK!!
Knowing the Spirit is true and within you is very important as well.
You have the power - set your intentions, change your steps and thoughts and self talk
And watch your reality and energy change.
Accept this unconditional love in your heart. Give it out.
You will receive 10 fold what you give. You will make this world and your reality a better one.
I am witness