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mental wellbeing

Mental wellbeing is a subject that many people find hard to talk about. We hope to change that by providing a place to ask questions and read about the subject
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Jan 22, 2023
Mental Wellbeing
Love vs attachment;

We should only be practicing LOVE.

Not attachment.

When one comes from of a place of "I love you for YOUR betterment and grace and I love myself the same"
instead of from a spot of "what you can do for MY happiness? MY COMFORT" -

Then you know you are coming from your heart and not the ego

When you do this
You then start to raise the vibration of your heart Chakra for yourself and all those in the world simultaneously. I promise you.

This is also of course practicing good mental health of stopping the co dependency in your life. And inviting pure true love into your life for all you see, you encounter and for yourself.

The same pure one HE loves you with.

OH and if when you asked yourself if you come from a negative attachment in your relationships and you realize you might-
Well please know that ONLY YOUR OWN POWERS can fix that unfulfilled happiness you are looking to others to fill. YOU write, direct, act in your OWN reality.

Change your thoughts, change your reactions, practice gratitude and learn grow to in your OWN soul path. DO THE WORK!!

Knowing the Spirit is true and within you is very important as well.

You have the power - set your intentions, change your steps and thoughts and self talk
And watch your reality and energy change.

Accept this unconditional love in your heart. Give it out.
You will receive 10 fold what you give. You will make this world and your reality a better one.

I am witness

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Answered a Question    Jan 11, 2023

ADHD can make it difficult for people to navigate through their thoughts and emotions. Journaling can help slow things down for them and allow them to focus better on these things.

Journaling causes your mind to slow down, which can allow you to catch up with it and actually understand what you are going through, what you are feeling, and what is on your mind. It also allows you to better focus on a single item, whether you are writing about an event that happened, a feeling or emotion, or a thought you are trying to explore.

It is important, though, to understand that journaling may take time to get better at. For some it may come more naturally, for others, especially those who are not used to writing things down, it could be a little bit more difficult to start the practice. The key is to keep at it and to not get frustrated or impatient if it doesn't work out right away.

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Answered a Question    Jan 6, 2023

I try to journal as often as I feel I need to. There are times when I journal almost every night, right before bed, and there are times when I barely journal at all.

I am sure journaling is still very much alive. Even just by going to online communities and reading about peoples journaling experience and how it has helped them, you can clearly see that people still journal.

Whether people use actual journals or notebooks vs computers and phones is another matter. I personally do not like journaling on my phone or on my computer, I prefer the old pen and paper.

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Answered a Question    Jan 5, 2023

Yes, many people still use journals as a way to document their thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Even though many think of it as being something of the past, many people still use it as a way to better understand themselves, their thoughts, feelings, emotions, and to work through things in life.

There have also been studies not too long ago that suggest some evidence on how journaling can actually help reduce stress and anxiety. So the topic of journaling is still very much being researched, and the practice is still being done.

While there are of course digital options to journaling, such as typing on your computer, or even using your phone and journaling apps, many people still prefer to use physical notebooks. The physical pen and paper just have a much different feeling to it. It slows your mind and thought process down much more, giving you the time to go through your thoughts and actually understanding them better.

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Answered a Question    Jan 4, 2023

There is some evidence to suggest that journaling can have a positive impact on a person's mental health and well-being. Studies have found that journaling can help reduce stress and anxiety, improve mood, and enhance self-esteem. It can also be a helpful tool for processing and coping with difficult emotions and experiences.

Writing about one's thoughts and feelings can help people process and make sense of their experiences, which can lead to increased self-awareness and self-understanding. This, in turn, can help people feel more in control of their lives and may lead to increased feelings of happiness and well-being.

However, it is important to note that journaling is not a magic cure-all for happiness. It is just one tool among many that can be used to improve mental health and well-being. Different people will find different activities and practices helpful in promoting happiness. Some people may find that journaling is a helpful part of their self-care routine, while others may find other activities, such as exercise or spending time with loved ones, to be more beneficial.

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Answered a Question    Jan 2, 2023

There is no hard and fast rule about whether morning pages have to be handwritten or typed. Some people find that the physical act of writing by hand helps them to feel more connected to the process and to their thoughts, while others prefer the convenience and speed of typing. Ultimately, the best way to do morning pages is to find the way that works best for you. If you prefer to type, you can use a computer or your phone or tablet. If you prefer to write by hand, you can use a journal or notebook.

The important thing is to set aside time each morning to write, in what ever form that is, and to allow yourself to write freely without worrying about grammar, spelling, or punctuation. The goal is to get your thoughts and ideas down on paper, not to produce a polished piece of writing.

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Answered a Question    Jan 1, 2023

To start a daily journaling practice, choose a time of day that works best for you and find a comfortable and quiet space to write. Use a journal or notebook, and start by writing about the events of the day. Reflect and analyze your thoughts and feelings about the events, and be consistent by setting aside a regular time each day to write.

Here are some more tips for getting started:

  • Set a specific time each day for journaling. This can help you make it a consistent habit. For example, you could choose to journal first thing in the morning, before bed, or at a specific time during the day.
  • Choose a comfortable and quiet space to write. This could be a dedicated journaling spot in your home, a peaceful outdoor location, or a quiet corner of a library or coffee shop.
  • Use a journal or notebook that you enjoy writing in. This could be a traditional bound journal, a loose-leaf notebook, or a digital journaling app. Choose something that feels comfortable and inspires you to write.
  • Start by writing about the events of the day. This could include a general overview of what happened, or you could focus on a specific event or feeling. Don't worry about writing in complete sentences or having perfect grammar – the goal is to capture your thoughts and feelings.
  • Reflect and analyze your experiences. After you've written about the events of the day, take some time to think about what you've written. What were your thoughts and feelings about the events? What did you learn from them? What goals do you have for the future?
  • Be consistent with your journaling practice. Try to set aside a specific time each day to write in your journal. Consistency can help you get into the habit of journaling and make it a more enjoyable and rewarding experience.
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