Divuni Mindfulness
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Divuni Mindfulness

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Answered a Question    Sep 30, 2022

I don't think it's necessarily that you should not focus on the future. I think there is a balance.

If you live your life focusing on the future, then you are not living your life right now. Same as if you were to live your life thinking about the past, you would be missing out on the things that are in your life right now.

Thinking about the future, it's possibilities, things you may have or may not have, worries and fears, can cause you to act in ways that you otherwise would not. It can cause you stress, anxiety, and often times, depression. On the other hand, not having any ambitions or goals for the future can also cause stress and anxiety, and again, depression.

I have known people who lived without having any goals or plans for the future, and while they were just living in the present moment, living each day as it came, they were also lacking a sense of purpose, they were lacking a destination, a goal. They soon feel into depression until they had to start taking better care of themselves.

There are people who make maybe too many plans for the future, who think too much about the future to the point where everything they do today is actually for tomorrow. As a result, they cannot enjoy anything, since every new day exists only to worry and care for the next day.

There is a balance, and for everyone that balance will be different.

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Answered a Question    Sep 30, 2022

Journaling can be a great way to help deal with anxiety.

Many times, anxiety can occur due to overthinking things such as the future or the past, things that may happen in the future that we are worried about, or things that happened in the past that we believe may affect our future. What ever the reason for the anxiety is, our minds are not at ease. We are stressed out, pressured, and are just lacking a sense of inner calmness.

Though most people may live with anxiety, they may not always fully understand what that anxiety is, or where it is originating from. Journaling can help figure this out.
Journaling causes us to slow down in order to write down our thoughts. This slowed down pace causes us to thoroughly process and understand our thoughts much better than if we were to just think them as we do on a daily basis.

By journaling, you can get to the bottom of the fears and the reasons you are actually feeling your anxiety. This is because you will be spending more time on each thought, understanding it better, and processing it in a way that you can then realize things you have not been able to realize about them before.

Many times, when people journal about their anxieties, they get a surprising sense of realization, they realize what it is that is causing them the anxiety they are facing. By realizing it, they are also able to deal with it better, to find the source of the issue and to treat it. In many cases, people feel an instant relief from their anxiety and stress, they understand that what they are feeling, or the reason they are feeling it, are not actually important, or that the thing they fear actually is not real or cannot hurt them as they thought They realize that their fear, the source of their anxiety and stress, is not something that should actually cause them this anxiety and stress. But, without identifying it, it is very difficult to let it go. Once you identify it, it is much easier to let it go and to treat it.

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Answered a Question    Sep 27, 2022

Meditation is an excellent tool to help one stop thinking about the future.

Thinking about the future and the past are two of the main things that can cause stress and anxiety in peoples lives. But, as harmful as it may be for people, it can be even harder to not do it.

Almost everyone goes through times when they find themselves worrying about things that may happen in the future, things that may be completely out of their control, and it is just very difficult sometimes to stop doing this.

Meditation, though, is a great tool that can help calm your mind down and focus it on the present moment. Preventing it from going wild and uncontrollably think and worry and stress about the future.

Meditation can help you increase your focus and awareness of the present, it can help you better take control over your mind, and the steam of thoughts in it, including those fears and thoughts about future events.

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Answered a Question    Sep 17, 2022

I don't think that anyone can tell you what meditation is right for you. It's sort of like someone telling you what your favorite food is. Without knowing you, they couldn't really tell you this unless it's a guess.
You know yourself best. You would know, or be able to find out, which type of meditation is best for you.

The best way to do this is to just try out a few different types, and to see which one feels best for you.
I think the most important thing, at least for beginners, is to find one that you can actually do on a daily basis or at least consistently, otherwise, if you are not consistent with your meditation practice, you may end up not really doing it enough to actually see the benefits. Both not having a consistent meditation practice and not seeing the results could just lead you to not meditating at all eventually.

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Answered a Question    Sep 17, 2022

I don't think you should be emotionless. I think that, in a way, you shouldn't be anything, you should just be there in that moment.

By that, I mean, you should just let what ever emotion that comes up be, and just watch it and understand it. Same as thoughts, you shouldn't be fighting your thoughts during meditation, you should just be watching them, not trying to alter them or control them, just letting them be until they eventually drift off.

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Answered a Question    Sep 17, 2022

It's the ability to be in the here and the now, and to not focus on past events or future possibles, things which cause stress, anxiety, and often depression.

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