12 Best Body Healing Herbs To Add To Your Pantry: Holistic Treatment For Your Body

There are plenty of medications that can be prescribed by doctors to help heal your body from whatever ails you. But those often have harsh side effects and can be detrimental to other aspects of your health. This has caused many people to turn to the ancient practice of using body healing herbs to treat certain health concerns. (Though this should only be done once you have consulted a physician if you have pre-existing conditions and medications).
There are many great herbs out there that can help you, and we wanted to give you a few suggestions about some of them, what they are good for, and how to use them.
Benefits of Choosing Body Healing Herbs
For centuries, in many different parts of the world, herbs have been used in medicinal practices. Besides the health benefits, there are plenty of other great benefits that those opting to utilize them can take advantage of. One of the biggest benefits is that it is natural and will not leave any chemical compounds in your body that don’t belong there.
But along with that, most of the time, these body healing herbs are often cheaper and easier to get to for those looking to use them as a health tool. On top of all that, the herbs often have a more pleasant taste and can be used in a wide range of applications. These herbal remedies can be used in food, teas, tinctures, and topical applications, to name just a few options.
A Few of the Best Body Healing Herbs & What they Are Good For
Almost every plant in nature can be used in some way as a body healing herb. But, there are a few that may already be in your pantry or can be easily found and added to it. Here are some of the many options that we think you could benefit from including in your health regime:
We are sure that every kitchen cabinet has this herb as it is used in a wide range of culinary disciples. Rosemary is chock full of carnosic acid which has been shown in many studies to help stop the spread of cancer. But this is not a proven treatment, so we should look at what the herb is primarily used to treat. Rosemary can be used to help with heart health as well as indigestion and muscle/joint pain.
Parsley is often used as garnishes on dishes, but the plant itself is rife with a lot of good compounds. These compounds allow the plant to be used as a body healing herb. Parsley is full of antioxidants and apigenin as well as vitamins A and C. This allows the herb to help treat heart health and blood pressure.
Ginger is an active herb in many Eastern medicines because of its wide range of healing capabilities. Most often ginger is used to treat gastrointestinal issues (like diarrhea or nausea). But this body healing herb can also be used as an anti-inflammatory to help reduce joint pains.
Cinnamon is wonderful and the scent of the fall season for many. But, it not only smells and tastes good, it can help with several health issues as well. The herb has compounds in it that can help as an antibiotic and an anti-inflammatory. It can also be helpful if you are struggling with indigestion or other gastrointestinal issues. Along with that, the herb is also an antioxidant. But maybe the best use is for those that need to control their blood sugar or deal with bad cholesterol. Cinnamon has been shown to do both.
Garlic is not only delicious, but it has healing capabilities as well. Many have touted it as an herb that can help fight cancer, but, where it really shines is when it is used as a body healing herb for things like hypertension and even a cold. These capabilities are all thanks to the high levels of manganese, selenium, several antioxidants (such as allicin), and vitamins. These all combine to make this tiny bulbous herb a great thing to use in healing your body.
Stinging Nettle
Whether you call this herb stinging nettle or simply nettle, it is a great body healing herb that can be used for several things. The plant itself is rich in vitamins K, B, A, and C. Along with these vitamins, the plant contains essential amino acids, minerals, and antioxidants. What that means is this herb packs a punch. In particular, it is perfect for treating arthritis and the inflammation this disease causes. But, you can also use this herb in other ways to help with dandruff and other hair health concerns.
Chives are something most people sprinkle on top of potatoes and enjoy. Though this is super delicious, these people are also helping their health. The herb has a large dose of Vitamin C along with things like riboflavin, thiamin, and beta carotene. All of the minerals and vitamins in this herb give it the ability to help with many blood-related health issues. But it also helps with building your immunity too.
Every part of this herb has a use, from the roots to the leaves. Though, most agree that the most powerful part to utilize as a body healing herb is the root. The herb is a great tool to utilize in tea form when you are suffering from the common cold.
Ginseng is one of those herbs that is used quite a bit for mental health, but the herb can be used as a body healing herb too. Ginseng is rich in both Vitamin D as well as B12. Because of this, it is great to help with circulation. This means it can be helpful for those with diabetes, and also is a great herb to use for building your immunity. The herb also helps boost collagen production which can help with skin elasticity.
Elderberry, like many fruits, is laden with tons of antioxidants and vitamins that can help your immune system improve. These can also assist with stress, your heart health, and alleviate inflammation. These are the common ways this berry is used as a body healing remedy. It can also help with headaches and constipation among many other health concerns.
Turmeric isn’t only a spice that enhances the flavor and color of dishes, it can also be used to help deal with several health concerns. This is thanks to the main active ingredient – curcumin. This compound has an elevated anti-inflammatory capability as well as antioxidant potential that is amazing. This means it's great for not only mental health issues but can be used to help with heart health and inflammation due to arthritis.
Many people, when they look at dandelions, think of a flower that is a weed ruining their lawns. But this small little plant is so much more than that. This plant is packed full of tons of good stuff. The flower and its root have high levels of vitamins like A, C, and K, along with E and B vitamins. Plus, mixed in with that, there is a decent amount of folate too. This means it is a good option to help with digestion problems or even issues with your liver. You can also use it to help with high blood pressure and gastrointestinal issues.
Final Thoughts
Utilizing natural ingredients can be a great way to affect health concerns without being too harsh on your body. The body healing herbs above are just a handful of ones that we think are well worth taking a look at. These all can be used in a multitude of ways and should be used in the way that is the most comfortable for you. We hope that we have helped you find some holistic remedies that will help you live a happier and healthier life.