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How To Develop Self-Discipline For Self-Improvement

Profile image Divuni Mindfulness
Feb 15, 2022
Goals & Advice 0 Questions Asked
Last Updated Dec 2, 2022
Learn why Self-Discipline for Self-Improvement is important for achieving our goals and living a happier life. 6 easy tips to help you be more disciplined.
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Every one of us has a list of goals that we want to accomplish both daily as well as within our lifetime. Even though we have this list, many of us struggle to accomplish even the smallest of the goals that we set forth for ourselves. This can be frustrating and affect our overall self-confidence, which can have a negative effect on our health and our life in general.

The reason many of us fail to meet these goals is simply because we lack self-discipline. But much like many of the other social skills and qualities needed to be successful in life, self-discipline is not something innate in everyone, and therefore, there are plenty of ways that you can develop the self-discipline to ensure that you can improve yourself and your life.

So in this article, we're going to look at how to develop self-discipline for self-improvement and look closer at what exactly self-discipline is and why it's important.

Article Contents

Self-Discipline: Defined

When it comes to understanding how to develop self-discipline for self-improvement, you have to really understand what exactly self-discipline is. Basically, it is the ability to constantly be able to focus on your actions and feelings. By being able to do this, you can ensure that you are ticking off those boxes that need to be ticked off in order to achieve the goals you have set for yourself.

Those that have self-discipline are more motivated and likely to be successful. This ability is connected with willpower and is utilized to keep you from succumbing to unproductive impulses and actions. So it's easy to see why self-discipline would be perfect to help with your self-improvement journey. After all, in order to get to where you want, you have to be consistent in your actions and able to focus on your goals.

Why Is This Attribute Important? Self-Discipline Benefits

Many people on their road to self-improvement begin to build skills to help them get to their end goals. But, some have to understand the benefits of building this life skill into their daily lives. For those out there that need this, we have put together a few self-discipline benefits to explain why this attribute is so important in everything from your professional life to your personal life.

  • Reduced anxiety - Anxiety and stress are often caused by feeling like you are out of control of the things in your life. By building self-discipline into your daily life as a personal life skill, you'll be able to control everything better. Sure it's great to allow yourself to go with the flow because this allows you to live in the present, but you have to have some sort of guiding star to achieve your goals, and this could very well be done through self-discipline.
  • Ability to achieve goals - Every goal has several small goals within them. But if you don't have the discipline to make each of those steps happen, your goals will never be able to be achieved. This is especially true for long-term goals. So having self-discipline will help you improve your chance of being successful in achieving both short-term and long-term goals.
  • Happier life - Happiness often comes from being able to reach your destination. This means that you have to be able to reach the goals that you've set forth for yourself, or at least make progress in them. So when you're looking at self-discipline for self-improvement, another great benefit is the fact that you will find yourself living a happier and more fulfilling life.
  • Improved resilience - Self-discipline, as we said above, is integrally tied to willpower. So as you build on your self-discipline, you will see that you have a better resiliency to stand up against temptations. This in and of itself will translate into many different situations and allow you to be more confident when it comes to navigating challenging situations.

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Self-Discipline For Self-Improvement: Some Tips to Help You Build Yours

There are some people that are born with high skill levels when it comes to self-discipline, and that's amazing. But there are many more that struggle with self-discipline and think that there is no way for them to fix their inadequacy. But like with every other life skill, you can train yourself to be able to build self-discipline into your life.

Here are a few tips that we think can help you build yourself discipline for self-improvement purposes:

3,2,1…Take Action

It happens to everyone. There are going to be days and situations where you just feel unmotivated. But by succumbing to this, you're not building your self-discipline. So when you have those moments where you're feeling like you just don't want to do anything, count down from 10, and then when you get to one, simply do the task that you were looking to do. Once you have done this regularly, it'll become a habit, and your brain will be able to realize the signals and help you become more motivated.

Make Your Goals Visible

Another way you could lose focus on your goals is to not have them visible at all times, so if you're looking to build your self-discipline for self-improvement purposes, keeping your goals visible to you somewhere in your home or your office is vital. You can put them on sticky notes in your bathroom mirror or take notes and keep them on the lock screen on your phone. By being able to see them consistently, you will be reminded that these are the steps you need to take to reach where you want to go. This will be a motivational tool that will help you build your self-discipline.

Go Back To Your Why

The truth is sometimes we lose track of our goals because we lose sight of why we set them in the first place. One of the biggest and most important questions you will always ask yourself, no matter the situation, is, why is this important to me or why is this necessary for me to accomplish. When you start to feel unmotivated, make sure to return to your why. This will help you visualize and move to complete your goals by helping enhance your self-discipline.

Break Goals Down

One of the biggest killers to self-discipline and motivation is setting unrealistic goals for yourself. Even if you have a lofty goal, that goal can easily be broken down into smaller goals. Then by achieving each of those smaller goals, you will be building your self-confidence and, in turn, helping boost your self-discipline. It's much easier to do a small task to move yourself forward when it comes to self-improvement than it is to leap into an unrealistic goal.


Self-discipline is often steered wrong by focusing on the wrong things. This can mean temptations or lack of focus have drawn you into thinking that something is more important than it actually is. So if you want to really concentrate on building your self-discipline for self-improvement, you will want to make sure you prioritize the things that are the most important and leave the others to be done at a later date.

Understand Yor Weak Points

The only way you can steer yourself away from temptation is to understand your weak points. By understanding the weak points, you can build self-discipline into your daily life that allows you to navigate yourself away from those temptations that will sabotage your progress.

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Final Thoughts

Developing self-discipline for self-improvement purposes is vitally important to your success. But as you've seen above, you don't have to be someone who was born with this skill. You can build it very easily with consistent actions and focus.

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