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Power Of The Mind - Learn How It Can Help You Improve Your Life

Profile image Divuni Mindfulness
Feb 7, 2022
Goals & Advice 0 Questions Asked
Last Updated Dec 2, 2022
The human brain can do amazing things! But there is so much more power it can wield if only we work to unlock it. How do you unlock the power of the mind?
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The human brain can do amazing things! It is responsible for every system that controls our bodies, but there is so much more power than the mind can wield if only we work to unlock it. We all understand the power of the mind when it comes to our physical health.

The organ is responsible for sending and receiving signals that then activate neurotransmitters and hormones that control our bodily functions, as well as our emotions. But the real superpower of the mind is the ability to change your exterior life.

By understanding the mind and unlocking its power, you will see growth in your personal life, relationships, and even in your professional life.

How do you unlock the power of the mind?
We want to help you do this, so we put together a quick guide that will help you get started!

Article Contents

Defining the Power of the Mind: How Does It Work?

We have all heard the saying that we only use a small fraction of our brains. Though many scientists might dispute this, we think the saying is more about the potential we all have and not about the physical percentage of the brain we use.

Our minds can take in a lot of information, and because of the overstimulated world we live in, it is always working. This could cause us to be unable to use the full power of the mind. Fortunately for us, we also have the subconscious, which takes hold of certain things putting them into autopilot, so we don’t short circuit the main processor in our bodies.

This system works, but it can hinder us from living in the moment and being able to use the full power of the mind we were given. This means that to access your mind's full potential, you have to take control of your subconscious and pull yourself out of that autopilot state.

Some Facts About the Brain

In order to really access the power of the mind that we will need to manifest our intentions, you should have a good idea of how the brain works, so we thought we would give you some fun and interesting facts that might help you with this.
Each thought brings with it signals that cause chemicals to be released, and our brain responds to each in its own way.
Our wiring is created by the attention we give situations and people.
If you think about pain – both physical and mental - our brain relays signals and continues producing the pain.
Thinking things over and over again create pathways that become embedded in our minds.
For our minds to learn something new, it takes concentration and a lot of energy.
Negative thoughts can alter the state and workings of our brains.
You can affect your health – mental and physical – by deciding to do it and continually reinforcing the habits you need to until the power of the mind takes over.

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Using the Power of Your Mind: Tips to Unlock Your Power

By understanding all that, you can see that by accessing the power of the mind, you can actually control the path of your life and begin to manifest the life you want. Along with understanding the inner workings of your mind, there are things you can do in your daily life to help you unlock that power and use it to build a happy and healthier life.

Remove Negative Thoughts

We just learned that negative thoughts can actually alter the neural paths of the brain and leave lasting consequences in the brain. So it goes without saying that negative talk and thoughts will need to be removed from your dictionary. This can be challenging, but you can ask yourself why you feel that way and then ask yourself if it is helping you reach your goal. By pulling yourself into the moment, you often find that it is easy to remove those negative thoughts.

Control Desires

Not only do our minds get bogged down with negative thoughts, but with desires as well. Though desire is not a bad thing, those that control your actions and thoughts 24/7 can be. That being said, the positive desires can be used to elevate your vibrations with the universe and can help you live a life where negativity is limited, and you are truly happy. So pay attention to things you love and try to add them to your daily routine as much as possible

Educate Yourself

Knowledge is power, and it is the key to opening up the power of the mind. Make sure to spend time learning about things you are passionate about, as well as ways to improve yourself. By doing this, you will be more inclined to keep learning and will keep your mind active and open to new ideas. But don’t just learn, apply the knowledge to your life when you can so you are actively learning.

Go With the Flow

Doubt and uncertainty can be just as harmful to accessing your mind's power as negativity. You cannot predict the future, and things are bound to not follow your plans every now and then. But by being so set in your ways, you will find your life full of stress and anxiety. Letting go and learning to go with the flow will help you live in the moment. This will help you access your subconscious and, in the end, unlock the power of your mind.

Choose Your Circle Wisely

Your thoughts definitely play a role in how much of your mind's power you are able to access. But so do the thoughts, words, and actions of those around you. There is a reason they say you are a sum of the ten people closest to you. This is because when you are close, you will feed off each other’s thoughts and energy. If they happen to be negative thinkers and always let life run them, this may spill over into your thoughts, and that would be detrimental to your growth.

Talk in the Present

When switching your mind's thoughts to positive ones, you need to talk in the present. Looking into the future will remove you from the moment, and that will lead to less use of the power of the mind in your daily life.

Know Your Resistance Points

No matter how hard your try, there will always be things in your life that you think negatively about or always find yourself putting off. These things can grow if not understood, so knowing what you feel good about procrastinating on may give you a clue about things that need to be removed from your life. If they are something that you can’t remove then you can come up with routines to make them tolerable.

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Final Thoughts

Finding a way to access the power of the mind can be challenging and will take time. After all, you are basically rewiring your brain to allow you to gain access to your subconscious and that is not an easy task with the years of learned habits and philosophies.

So take time and really use the tools we have given you while looking for outer resources to move you further along your path to living in the moment. By doing this, you will see that you can access your mind's powers and use them to manifest the life you have dreamt of, or at the very least one that is filled with less stress and anxiety.

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