With walking meditation I feel the greatest benefits.
It calms me down immediately and allows me to stop, or at least minimize greatly, my thoughts and emotions, and gives me a sense of balance.
This usually work best in nature or forests.
I also like sitting meditation while listening to certain meditative sounds, or even without any sounds, though I still find it difficult to not want to keep track of the time and how long I have been sitting for.
When i do sitting meditation, I usually do it with either a guided meditation, or a timer.
I think the leap from where i am to where i want to be.
Maybe less about the change itself, and but more about the process that i will need to go through to get there.
Doing the right thing, even when no one else will know.
Its easy to turn a blind eye and to let things go, especially if you know that no one will ever find out.
But doing the right thing even if no one may ever know about it, to me is honor, it shows character and integrity.
To my imagination. I guess if you were to analyze my imaginations you would find something in common with each other.
Or, maybe my imagination is just a form of escapism from reality, a place where i can create anything i want and be anyone i want.
I am closer to my mother because of who she is, what she has done for us, and what she is still doing for us.
She gave up everything good in her life for us, lived in a sort of hell, just so we would have a better life.
I believe we are in control of our lives, but that we are just not always aware of it.
We go on living life on auto pilot, not taking a moment to truly understand and appreciate it all.
I think I have controlled most of my life, just not as well as I would have liked, maybe even poorly at times.
There are things that are out of my control, this is true, but I believe that I put myself in those situations, the actions and decisions I made in life lead me to where ever I got, and to what ever the situations were.
Stay true to who you are, and to your dreams.
Compromises may be required, but don't lose yourself in them.
I want to be able to live the life I aim for, and for that I need to better understand myself, and then courage to be true to that understanding and to what I believe in and feel. Those are my goal.
I think marriage has become more of a cultural matter than anything else.
People tend to get married because that's just what you do at a certain age or period in your life, as if marriage is the goal.
In some cultures, marriage is a requirement, and in others its a matter of religion.
But in most cases, people get married because that is just what you do. Family may push for marriage, and people may do it even if they don't really want to.
But what is marriage, what is the real point of it?
In many places, being a married couple rather than just being partners can give you certain benefits with the government.
Besides people who want or need those benefits, or those who fall into groups that marriage is a big part of it, such as religion, I do not believe that there is a real point of getting married. Not now a days.
I can't remember honestly, so it must be a while since then.
What does that say about me?
Am I playing it safe, and not doing things that are not comfortable to my lifestyle?
I do see it as something that I would like to change.
I do believe that, at least for me, staying in our comfort zone can lead to a very stale and boring life. One that is missing adventure and excitement.
Going out of your comfort zone can mean many things, it doesn't have to be something negative. But yes, it is uncomfortable, which usually could cause us to stay away from doing it, unless we are purposefully seeking these situations to try and make life more exciting.
I think there are many boundaries in life, and maybe there should be, but I also think that it's good to try and stretch the boundaries and see how far you can get. Things may not be that bad on the other side. And things that once were boundaries, may end up changing and not being boundaries once you actually do it.