10 Ways To Relax Your Mind - Calming The Mind

It seems that around every corner, life likes to throw curveballs. On top of life being unpredictable, the world itself is high paced and hectic, and this causes many to suffer from anxiety and stress. Running through life on adrenaline and trying to fit everything into our schedules can cause our minds to be constantly overloaded.
This can lead to many physical and mental health issues. After all, our minds are not meant to be a computer that remains on 24/7. The key is finding ways to calm the mind. But before you can calm the mind, you have to relax it enough that it can find its home in that space.
So let's take a look at some ways to relax your mind and why a relaxed mind is more productive and creative than the stressed ones we all tend to live with.
Just Relax!? The Difference Between A Stressed and Relaxed Mind
Living in this world can be a highly anxiety-inducing way of life. Our brains need times of quiet and relaxation to restore their energy and functionality. Being on high alert at all times doesn't allow it the time to do that, and this leads to a lack of focus, health issues like heart problems and stomach issues, as well as mental health ones.
By taking the time to relax your mind, you are performing an act of self-care. Once your brain has been allotted the time to reenergize itself, you'll find that you have more focus, you're more productive, and you're just plain out happier.
Some Ways to Relax Your Mind
When you think of relaxing your mind, you often think of things that have to do with the mind itself, finding quiet places, and ways to tune your mind into something other than the trials and tribulations of life. So the first tips we have for ways to relax your mind are going to center on the mind itself.
There are many forms of meditation, so don't think that because you are uncomfortable sitting still for large chunks of time that this option is off the plate for you. The objective of meditation is simply to silence your thoughts and calm your mind. There are many types of meditation, such as sound meditation and walking meditation, but no matter what type of meditation you invest your time in, you will want to make sure that you have enough time for it. The practice of meditation does take time to see the long-lasting benefits, and there is definitely some retraining of the brain that must be executed.
Breathe Work
When you breathe properly, your body takes in oxygen, which is vital for the functionality of your brain. The process of breathwork is meant to quiet your thoughts and focus your mind, which allows your brain to begin the relaxation process. When you tend to get stressed out and anxious, your body tenses, and you breathe in more shallowly. By extending those breaths out and really taking in more air, you will be able to calm yourself and your mind.
If you like to read, reading can really allow you the time to decompress from your stressful day. Disconnect yourself from social media and all the rapid influx of information, and just sit with a good book for a set time. This will give your mind something to grab onto instead of mulling over every aspect of your day, which in turn helps your mind relax.
Sometimes our brains just can't relax because there's so much information in our mind and so many things we want to do that it's constantly trying to place these things in files. By getting it out of your mind and onto paper, you will find that you relieve some of that stress and allow your mind time to leisurely process the events of the day. It's also a great way to get your feelings and goals out and begin building a mindfulness practice.
Take a few minutes off
Taking time to step away from your day-to-day life and tasks doesn't have to mean a lengthy break that lasts for hours. Even spending a few minutes a day doing something mindful or calming can have a huge impact on the rest of your day. Here is a great article with accumulated tips from mindfulness experts on what you could spend 15 minutes doing that will improve your day-to-day life: Experts Explain What to do with 15 Minutes of Free Time.
Other Tips to Relax Your Mind
Though working on ways of relaxing your mind that focus solely on that organ and area of your life is a great first step, there are many other ways that you can relax your mind. Some of them will be physical and others might be emotional, but all of them are effective when used consistently.
Here are some extra tips on ways to relax your mind:
Get Physical
When your body gets moving, your brain begins to release chemicals that are vital to your mood and relaxation. It doesn't matter what type of physical activity you do. It could be a simple walk or taking a yoga class, or even going for a run, but by getting your blood circulating through your body, your brain will not only release those chemicals but will also be focused on the activity at hand. This will allow your brain time to let go of any of those stressful situations throughout the day and you'll find yourself feeling more relaxed when you're done.
Nature Bathe
Get out into nature and let the heightened levels of pure oxygen and beauty calm your mind. Not only are you exposing your body to a pure and cleaner environment, but one that is less hectic as well. Oftentimes cities are hustle and bustle, and this causes your brain to be on overdrive. By removing yourself from that atmosphere, you're allowing your brain the time it needs to quiet itself, which can be one of the best ways to relax your mind.
Talk with a Friend
Sometimes you just need to vent about the things that have been stressing you out. Much like journaling, talking with a good friend that allows you the time to just blabber on about your day can be quite therapeutic. So finding a friend to talk to can be a great tool when you're trying to calm your mind.
Do A Good Deed
Sometimes our brains are so focused on what's going on in our life that finding a way to remove it from that and focus on other people can be quite therapeutic. By helping those that need help, you may find that your perspective on life changes also. This can be a wonderful option when it comes to trying to find ways to relax your mind.
Do Nothing
This one may be the hardest of them all, but sometimes you just need to zone out. You have to allow yourself the ability to sit and do nothing. By not focusing on any of your trials and tribulations, or any of your responsibilities, and sitting in silence, your brain will begin to relax. This may take some time and patience and a lot of practice, but doing nothing is a great way to relax your mind.
Relaxing Bath
This method of calming your mind actually has more than one aspect to it. Filling a bathtub with nice hot water and maybe using some essential oils can allow your body time to decompress, and that can release the stress on your brain, allowing it time to relax. If you mix in some aromatherapy incense diffusers and maybe some nice candles, you may find yourself relaxing in no time (you can even throw in reading in this if you're a little adventurous).
Final Thought
Unfortunately, in this life, you can't avoid challenges that lead to stress and anxiety. But by knowing how to calm your mind and ways to help you relax, you can definitely avoid some of the consequences of that stress and anxiety. The tips above can be combined and are just some of the many ways to relax your mind. One thing is for sure, finding time to slow down and silence your thoughts is going to help you lead a happier and healthier life.